Turning that New York Times “Hit Piece” on Neville Roy Singham, Jodie Evans, and Code Pink into Truth
Mr. Singham, whose father was a school teacher, built up his own tech company optimistically called “Thoughtworks” (get it?). In 2017, he married Jodie Evens. He was 69, she, 68.
Six months later he sold his company for $785M. The couple wanted to devote their lives and resources to benefit humanity. Jodie was already an activist. She, along with another woman, Media Benjamin, founded a peace and justice group they called “Code Pink,” in 2002. The two ladies, and their supporters, foresaw that George Bush’s lies about Iraq having Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs), was leading the nation into a completely unnecessary war. Of course, that’s what happened in February 2003, when the US invaded Iraq. They also protested against the War in Afghanistan for the entire 20 years that it lasted.
At a 2014 meeting of middle eastern countries in Cairo, Code Pink protested the mistreatment of Palestinians in Israel. Ms. Benjamin was arrested by Egyptian police, beaten, and given a dislocated shoulder.
Later in 2014, Code Pink was awarded the US Peace Prize by the US Peace Memorial Foundation "In Recognition of Inspirational Antiwar Leadership and Creative Grassroots Activism."*
Code Pink has demanded that President Joe Biden do more to negotiate a peaceful end to the war in Ukraine. For many years, the group has demanded an end to the cruel embargo that the US has imposed on Cuba.
Thanks to generous funders, like Mr. and Mrs. Singham, Code Pink, and other peace and justice groups, have been able to raise Moral Objections to all kinds of inhumane treatment of our fellow humans by our fellow humans.
The Times article notes that Mr. Singham is especially concerned that the relations between the US and China do not deteriorate into armed conflict. In his view, the people of the United States have been grossly misinformed by the US media about life in China and the intentions of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). This has resulted in the vast majority of Americans thinking that the people of China are miserable, oppressed, and unfree, and that China is a growing military threat to the US and the Free World.
Mr. Singham is quoted in the Times article as saying that he wants to help educate folks outside of China about “the miracles that China has created on the world stage.”
For example, the World Bank has issued a report finding that China has ended extreme poverty among its people. Indeed, under the leadership of the PRC and the CCP, over 800M people have been able to work together to lift themselves out of grinding poverty and into a middle class life equal to the best parts of the American middle class.^
Mr. and Mrs. Singham currently reside in Shanghai. They are working with the Chinese government to try to find ways to counteract all the negative propaganda about China in countries all over the world. Their belief is that if people understood China more as it really is, and less as an Evil and Demonic threat, the prospects for World Peace would be much better than they are today.
New York Times, Saturday, August 5, 2023. (Front page, below the fold.)
*Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_Pink
^ For sources, see Re-interpreting the Meaning of China
for the USA
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